Edgar Rincon

Fellow Bios

Edgar served as a 2017-18 fellow primarily with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), but was also engaged with the County of Sacramento as well as the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD). His project focused on seeking to better understand the effects of heat pollution and its implications for the public and private sector as well as its impact on public health. He holds an A.B. in International Relations from Brown University, and originally joined CivicSpark to gain some real-life insight as to how the private and public sector can work together to address climate impacts. After his service year, he made a detour in his career path and has recently applied to graduate school, medical. 

Current Fellows can ask him about: navigating the bureaucratic process, volunteer recruitment and engagement, project management, stakeholder (dis)engagement, health/wellness, behavioral psychology. You can catch him hiking ( he “ran” into a former fellow during one of his hikes a few months ago!), cooking, reading. 

A Good Quote: “I guess who I am is exactly the same as who you are. Not better than. Not less than. Because there is no one who has been or will ever be exactly the same as either you or me.” – Sense8

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